Post jobs for free, unlimited posts.
Reach more than 600,000 candidates.
AI technology integration platform.
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Why should you post jobs at freeC?
Posting job is completely free & unlimited
Manage job postings, candidates, company profiles in one place
Reach more than 600,000 candidates on freeC’s system
Unlimited users per account
Recruitment process with 3 simple steps
Provide more recruitment support features
Outstanding recruitment support features
Manage posted jobs
When you've posted a job posting, you can easily view an overview of the information on freeC's interface.
Manage an effective interview process
Easily manage candidate application process just by drag and drop.
Invite unlimited members
Unlimited number of members managing the company's recruitment account
Create notes for important information about candidates or when you want to discuss with other members on the system.
Share CV
You can share candidate's CV instantly to other members (CEO, manager or teams in need of recruitment) & easily get feedback from them.
freeC’s partner
Customer feedback
Mr. Shunsuke Fujita
CEO at Lifull
freeC is totally new and advanced version of Recruiting Business.
Their unique model using big platform, AI, and consultants will be standard in future recruiting.
As a tech company, we realize we need to utilize advanced tool for recruiting.
Ms. Vo Kim Ngan
HR & Administration at KDDI
FreeC's consultant supported our company to find the best fit for our jobs very fast and get closer to candidates.
Mr. Yoshimasa Fukuda
We ask recruiting service for engineers and designers to freeC. Not only they recommend us very quick due to platform and AI, but also their consultants support our HR to connect candidates. And freeC create the best path for both companies and candidate.
Mr. Ken Vo
CEO Vietnam at LastMile
Quick response to job orders. We can receive high quality candidates and CVs in average 3 days with detailed information.
Mr. Shunsuke Fujita
CEO at Lifull
freeC is totally new and advanced version of Recruiting Business.
Their unique model using big platform, AI, and consultants will be standard in future recruiting.
As a tech company, we realize we need to utilize advanced tool for recruiting.
Ms. Vo Kim Ngan
HR & Administration at KDDI
FreeC's consultant supported our company to find the best fit for our jobs very fast and get closer to candidates.
Mr. Yoshimasa Fukuda
We ask recruiting service for engineers and designers to freeC. Not only they recommend us very quick due to platform and AI, but also their consultants support our HR to connect candidates. And freeC create the best path for both companies and candidate.
Mr. Ken Vo
CEO Vietnam at LastMile
Quick response to job orders. We can receive high quality candidates and CVs in average 3 days with detailed information.
Mr. Shunsuke Fujita
CEO at Lifull
freeC is totally new and advanced version of Recruiting Business.
Their unique model using big platform, AI, and consultants will be standard in future recruiting.
As a tech company, we realize we need to utilize advanced tool for recruiting.
Ms. Vo Kim Ngan
HR & Administration at KDDI
FreeC's consultant supported our company to find the best fit for our jobs very fast and get closer to candidates.